Moodle Course Visibility

By default your Moodle course is hidden to all students. Moodle courses should be made visible to students the week before the class begins. To make you course visible follow the instructions below:

  1. Begin by selecting the course you want to make visible, under the Administration block click "Edit settings"
  2. Locate Course Visibility under the General settings category
  3. Click the drop-down and choose "Show"
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click "Save and return to course"

The Course visibility settings determines whether the course appears in the list of courses and whether your students can access it. If you select "Hide" from the Course Visibility drop-down, then access is restricted to only users with the capability to view hidden courses (such as instructors). It is important to know that by default all courses are hidden. You can tell if a course is hidden because it will be grayed out. If the course is available, it will be highlighted in orange or black text.