Quarantine Email Use


This article provides guidance on utilizing the quarantine email feature in Outlook. The "Quarantine Email" feature serves to give you the tool to review your emails while protecting you from malicious ones. In the event of a potentially malicious email being sent to a user, Microsoft intercepts and quarantines it until it is cleared of all suspicious activity or threats. Attached is the document that outlines the procedure for utilizing the quarantine email feature in Outlook in more detail.

How To Use

How to use Quarantine for Emails

1. you can either visit your quarantine inbox using the site below, or wait for an email notification from ITS Cyber Security letting you know that an email has been quarantined and click on the "Review message" button.

Link to your personal quarantine inbox:


2. Once on the page, click on the quarantined email of your choice.

3. Upon reaching this stage, you will see a side panel from the right with details regarding the email. Please review the email details as well as the original email by clicking on the three dots to the right of "View message Headers. A list of options should appear one of them should be "Preview message".

4. Once you have decided to release the email select "Request Release" in the side panel, opting for "Request Release" triggers a message to the cyber security, prompting them to review the email.

5. Alternatively, you have other options should you wish to not release the email: delete from quarantine, and block sender.

Additional Information

If you still have any questions or concerns after reading the article, Please see the attached document that outlines the procedure for utilizing the quarantine email feature in Outlook. If you still have questions or concerns even after reviewing the document please do not hesitate to reach out to the service desk by calling 518-255-5800 or submit an email delivery support ticket using the link below:


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Thu 2/29/24 3:05 PM
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