OSCQR Rubric


The OSCQR rubric is a self-assessment tool that allows instructors or Online Education administrators to assess online courses to make sure they are learner centered and well designed. The rubric is used to help guide, inform, and influence the design of new online courses for instructors. This is a non-evaluative rubric that is used to better design your course for the students. The rubric and online course review process is used to guide online faculty to use research-based practices and standards to help improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of their online course design. This is not an online course evaluation, or quality assurance procedure.

This is a link to SUNY OSCQR's website, there are examples and details for each standard.


Here is a link to the Faculty Documentation in Moodle where we have the most recent OSCQR rubric availabel for download: https://moodle.cobleskill.edu/course/view.php?id=15036&section=14#tabs-tree-start



Article ID: 10887
Tue 1/31/23 2:08 PM
Mon 2/13/23 9:56 AM