This article will provide an overview of the AER and SI grant requests through TDX.
1. When the process reaches a step that needs your review, you will receive an email that looks mostly like this:
The emails you receive for the grant requests will not say “test approval”, it will say “AER Grant Request” or “SI Grant Request”
2. When you open the email, it will give you some basic information on the request and a link to click. In this example case, the link is named “test approval workflow step”:
3. It will take you to the page shown below where you can click approve or reject. BEFORE you make your choice: Please click on the name of the request which is highlighted by the red box in the picture. This will take you to a screen that shows the AER/SI form and answers from the individual.
4. The picture below is how you will see the AER/SI form and answers given by the individual. I have ensured all information from the form is listed on this screen.
Additional Information
This video outlines the work flow that occurs after a form has been submitted: FASP WF-20231212_095513-Meeting Recording.mp4
AER Requests:
SI Requests: