Study Buddies lets students connect with other students in their class sections who are interested in studying together outside of class.
- Access Study Buddies by clicking the icon in the mobile or desktop app, as shown in the following images.
- After opening Study Buddies, students see a list of class sections they are currently enrolled in. Each section shows how many buddies are in the group and if the student has already joined the group.
- Students then select the section they want to join a study group for.
- Next, select to share your email with others in the group.
- The next step is to select who you would like to reach out to.
- It will then let you send an email to those students and allows you to communicate with them.
- Students can leave a section's Study Buddies group at any time. They simply select Leave Group. A message prompt appears, asking the student Are you sure? and if the student answers Yes, their name is removed from the Study Buddies list.
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