Wi-Fi Instructions for iPhone after IOS 15+ | Private Wi-Fi Address and Limit IP Address Tracking

Starting with IOS 15, Apple has added two options to their Wi-Fi settings regarding Wi-Fi tracking:

  • Private Wi-Fi Address
  • Limit IP Address Tracking
  • If you device has the setting "Random Hardware Addressing" or "Random Mac Addressing" enabled, then you will need to disable this option.

Having either of these options enabled while connected to Resnet or Tigernet will time out any request the user sends to the server, meaning no Wi-Fi internet access. 


To access and change these settings, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the settings app on the device
  2. Choose "Wi-Fi"
  3. Have the user log into both Resnet and Tigernet
  4. select the blue "i" icon to the right of the Wi-Fi ("Tigernet" or "Resnet")
  5. Make sure "Private Wi-Fi Address" and " Limit IP Tracking" are both disabled
  6. repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other Wi-Fi connection

Once these steps are complete, Please confirm connectivity by testing the network on their device; a simple google search will suffice.