How to Upload and Share Files on OneDrive

  1. Log into your Cobleskill Email Via a web-browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge at

  2. Click the 9 white squares in the top left of your screen and select OneDrive


  3. Click the “Upload” button that is highlighted below and select file or folder


  4. Wait while your files are uploaded to OneDrive and ensure the progress bar finishes

  5. Once a file is finished uploading, you can right-click the file and select “Share”

  6. This provides you with a pop-up that lets you copy the link or lets you enter an email address to share with

  7. Optional: If you copied the link, paste it in Moodle for others to access

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Article ID: 10837
Wed 12/28/22 8:30 PM
Fri 1/27/23 1:25 PM