Microsoft's Self Service Password Reset

Password Reset Changes Overview

          As you are aware, resetting your password at the MyLogon portal is slowly becoming deprecated; the use of banner PINs will become obsolete as we transition to Banner 9, resetting your password takes 10 minutes and longer depending on your internet connection, and lack of general feedback as to why your new password does not meet complexity requirements.

          To resolve these issues, streamline the password reset process, ensure Cobleskill accounts are hardened against malicious actors, and mitigate issues common issues with password complexity, ITS will be migrating to a new Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) service by Microsoft over the winter break.

          All Cobleskill email account holders will be enrolled in this new service. Instead of navigating to the MyLogon portal, password resets can be done straight from the sign-in portal which can be seen when attempting to authenticate to your email, OneDrive, Teams, Word, etc. Please see the picture below for reference:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

You may also reset your password when your password has expired, see the example below:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Additional Information

Since this service is handled by Microsoft, you may notice that password creation may be stricter than normal; to inform you of what Microsoft expects of users when creating password please see the attached document that provides guidelines and explanation for some of the policies set forth by Microsoft.

Please note that for SSPR, it is highly recommended to have at least 2 or more authentication methods (what you use for MFA), you will need these to successfully reset your password. The reasoning behind this is if one option does not work you still have at least 1 or more options to utilize. This prevents you from getting locked out of being able to reset your password and from accessing your account.

*New students attempting to set their password for the first time should utilize our Mylogon portal -  - which requires an 800# and pin to sign in. This portal is only used to set the password once. After you activate the account and set the first password here, you will use the Microsoft Self Service Portal for all future password resets. 


Article ID: 10990
Mon 12/11/23 9:49 AM
Wed 1/24/24 2:42 PM